Thank you so much for reading my blog. Seriously.
Thank you. Too desperate? Because I'm always too desperate and grateful or too blase, so I'm trying to strike a balance. I also go off on tangents that meander from, say, a discussion of Google autocorrect into a discourse on crazy Japanese folklore and then into the Kardashian sisters. If this is the kind of thing you might find amusing in small doses, please feel free to visit often. If it's the kind of thing that you do not like, I am not offended in the least and you may click away from here immediately. I appreciate the twenty seconds you spent here while looking for the lyrics to "Out Go The Lights" by Spoon.
In my real life I am a former lawyer and demography graduate school drop-out, who now spends the bulk of my time washing clothes and acting as appointment secretary for my three children: the Girl, the Boy, and the Baby. I am married to the K who is a Mississippian by birth, musician in his dreams, and a lawyer because it pays the bills. You can read all about them
A selfy after having my hair fixed by the Baby |